Building Leadership for Health
   Building Leadership for Health        

Gateway Portsmouth: Co Producing Community Integration

Project Gateway, led by Portsmouth City Council was an innovative programme designed to aid the integration of new migrant women from non EU countries by engaging volunteers in co-producing elements of social capital. It was funded by the European Integration Fund with the support of the UK Home Office. Commencing in November 2012 over an 18 month period integrated training and support programmes were designed and delivered to 102 new migrant volunteers in: generic advice and information giving, English for speakers of other languages (pre ESOL) pre citizenship and support for others learning English, employability and health advice. It has been challenging but great fun to work with Jane Leech, Marshada, Uta and the rest of the team.

Co-Producing Integration with a Community of New Migrant Women
This shows how integration can be supported by working with new migrant women from non-EU countries. It validates many of the recommendations of the 2016 Casey Review.
Coproduction paper.docx
Microsoft Word document [681.0 KB]
Gateway Project Initial Business Plan
This sets out the project plan and its goals as defined during the first phase of the project.
Gateway Initial Business Plan3_March 201[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [800.7 KB]
Baseline Review of New Migrants to Portsmouth and their Social Capital
This document sets out estimates of the numbers and origins of new migrants from non EU countries and provides data on the expected levels of social capital for such migrants.
Adobe Acrobat document [938.4 KB]
Gateway Literature Review
This report by Ruth Marsden presents the national and international studies on which values of aspects of social capital were based.
Adobe Acrobat document [488.5 KB]
Stakeholder Dialogue Report
This is a report on feedback from semi structured interviews conducted by Uta Schmidtblaicher and colleagues with stakeholders.
Gatewway STAKEHOLDER Dialogue Report.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [635.1 KB]
Training for Focus Group Moderators
A set of slides to provide a common approach to moderating focus groups for the Gateway Portsmouth Programme, This may be adapted for running focus groups in other projects.
FOCUS Group Training pptgl.ppt
Microsoft Power Point presentation [464.5 KB]
Design of Semi Structured Interview
This is the design for semi structured interviews based on preliminary open interviews and a consultation event. It was designed for subsequent analysis using content analysis techniques.
Design of Interview1.docx
Microsoft Word document [108.2 KB]
Focus Group Research Report
This is a report by Marshada Chowdhury presenting findings from focus groups conducted by trained volunteers with participants in the Gateway project
Focus Group Report.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [351.4 KB]
Gateway Project a Learning History
This is an account by Sarah Cheverton of the experiences of the project team and participants recounting how they learnt to trust one another and together co produced community integration.
Gateway Project - A Learning History.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]
Gateway Portsmouth Project Evaluation Report and Social Return on Investment
This provides a final evaluation of the impact of the project in qualitative and quantitative terms and draws out the major lessons we learnt about co production and developing social capital.
Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]
Toolkit for evaluating Social Return on Investment and Displaying Outcomes
This Excel tool inputs data from questionnaires, attendance records and activity summaries and shows qualitative outcomes and quantitative measures of Social Return on Investment achieved
Toolkit analysis 17072014.xls
Microsoft Excel sheet [1.2 MB]
Summary Report of the Gateway Project
This brings together the main lessons in a non technical way
Project Gateway Summary Report.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [588.0 KB]
Information on Community Resources for Project Gateway Participants
This list of community support groups and services shows the resources drawn together to support co-production for community integration. Each project will need its own resource similar to this one,
Gateway client information support3 (1).[...]
Microsoft Word document [1.5 MB]

The participants in the Gateway programme now manage an online blog called the Voice of Diversity.


Recent Publications
Text book "Global Health Diplomacy", available here.

Paper in SMQ on Value for Money in Behaviour Change available here.


Gateway Portsmouth

Led by Portsmouth City Council and funded by the European Integration Fund has  issued a series of reports setting out lessons for co production and social integration. Read more here. We ran a dissemination day for  representatives of integration projects from 6 EU Countries.


Global Health Diplomacy

I  worked with  colleagues to develop training material for an open access online course, which provides an introduction to the topic suitable for diplomats in training, health advocates or international officials, academics and others including students of global health. See   


We ran a course for IFMSA on global health advocacy in 2019 before the WHA see here.


In 2020 I developed further courses on global health advocacy and diplomacy for Students for Global Health, the Cambridge MPhil in Public Health and IFMSA see here.


Evaluating Health Wellbeing and Behaviour Change SROI

I updated the tools and notes to reflect the  evidence in 2016. I provide a discovery learning course on health and wellbeing evaluation for LA and CCG commissioning teams and health professionals see here




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© Graham Lister